Eszter Salamon MONUMENT 0.10: The Living Monument

Season 24 25
Embark on a meditative and sensuous journey with the Norwegian company Carte Blanche. In a dream-like world fashioned from rousing monochromatic tableaux, time is suspended. Enjoy the soothing slowness of movements, let your imagination go wild and dive into your memories and phantasmagoric visions.





  • Dance
  • 20h00
  • 20h00
  • 20h00
  • Tarif plein
    33 €
  • Tarif Pass Chaillot
    27 €
  • Tarif Pass Chaillot Jeune
    12 €
  • Tarif Pass Chaillot Groupe
    27 €
Session translated into French sign language
Screening with audio description
Meet the artists after the show.
School session
Session with adapted subtitle

For the past ten years, Hungarian choreographer Eszter Salamon has been researching monumentality, history and memory. In The Living Monument, color sets the tone for tableaux conceived as still lives through which the 14 performers of the company Carte Blanche move in slow motion. From one tableau to the next, the whole scene changes color, from the fabrics and materials composing the phantasmagoric scenography to the bodies, costumes and masks delivering a singular language. Both an ode to slowness and a dramatic immersion in a dream-like world, The Living Monument is elevated by the atmospheric pulses of the score by Norwegian composer Carmen Villain. Music, sounds, movements, figures and materials form “dynamic monochromes” that are both visually and emotionally captivating landscapes and an invitation to the audience to slow down, dream, relive their own memories and make up new fictions. Tableaux of another world out of time, a collection of mirrors to look through.

Vincent Théval