Thomas Lebrun d'amour

- Full price24€
- Under 3011€
- Job seeker12€
- Social minima8€
Originally, this piece by Thomas Lebrun aimed to tackle school bullying. Looking at an increasing plague that he himself suffered from in the past, the director of the Centre chorégraphique national de Tours finally decided to address it through the lens of love, a tricky subject when it comes to children and teenagers. However rarely studied, it is critical to the development of their personalities, particularly when one intends to accept the various forms love can take and respect the uniqueness of each and everyone.
In order to stage these issues, the choreographer has chosen humor and off-kilter situations. His four performers intertwine the scenes, going so far as to switch around their parts and go through all the occurrences of love in song titles, literary quotations and expressions. Halfway between dance and theater, the dramaturgy transforms the poetic or grotesque situations into sentient bodily expressions. You should see it – as recommended by its author – “among young people as well as with your parents or children.”
Vincent Théval