Amala Dianor Point Zéro

Season 23 24
Point Zéro d'Amala Dianor
Three dancers – Amala Dianor, Johanna Faye and Mathias Rassin – look at their journey since their beginnings, this ground zero period when hip hop was happening on the street, spawning a culture that would revolutionize dance. How far have they come since their ground zero?



40 min


  • from 8 years
  • 19h00
  • 10h30
  • 14h30
  • 10h30
  • 14h30
    Single tariff
    5 €

A hip-hop autodidact who trained at the CNDC-Angers, Amala Dianor has crafted a sentient language at the intersection of urban and contemporary dance. Ever since he showcased his style in his 2014 solo Man Rec, the Senegal-born choreographer has enjoyed sharing the spotlight with other choreographers, as in the exhilarating Siguifin (2022) where he brought in three artists from West Africa to work with him. For Point Zéro, he teams up with Johanna Faye and Mathias Rassin, two like-minded friends and partners with whom he shares this hip-hop legacy. Over an interactive soundtrack put together by Awir Leon, they form a dance trio in which each one expresses their personal aesthetics through solo and ensemble performances. Their gestures, which speak to a diverse range of styles and physiques, conjure various places where urban dances are transforming. Comparing their visions and gestures, they address the question of how everyone draws from a shared foundation to nourish the singular aspects of their own dance.