Nacera Belaza L'Envol

Season 23 24
L'Envol de Nacera Belaza
This piece for four performers is called “L’Envol” (soaring) and yet it uses falling as a starting point. This body falling off the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. From these two seemingly contradictory movements, Nacera Belaza explores the space, the material that keeps them apart and binds them together, and the blast of letting go. See program





  • Associate Artist
  • 21h00
  • 15h00
  • Full price
  • Under 30
  • Job seeker
  • Social minima

After L’Envol, Nacera Belaza continues to document the process of letting go and pursuing greater freedom as she develops an image that has been on her mind for a long time:  a dance of “falling bodies.” Eschewing the spectacular that often goes with falling, the dancer and choreographer primarily attempts to get it across to the audience on an emotional level, conveying the vertigo of a being trying to give up everything they care about.  To achieve the barebones quality of L’Envol, which consists of breathtaking spinning movements, the performer must confront their fears by shedding their resistances one after the other so that they will hang better between sky and land. The audience experiences a genuine expansion of time and space. As in every piece of Belaza’s, the performers engage in a dialogue with the invisible where the essence of being and creativity translate into gestures, lighting and sound.  

Anaïs Heluin 

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