La Veronal / Marcos Morau Firmamento

- Full price41€
- Under 3014€
- Job seeker17€
- Social minima8€
Led by artistic director Marcos Morau, La Veronal has been acclaimed on today’s major venues, from Chaillot to the Avignon Festival. Morau conceives of creative work as a constant fusion of dance, theater and music. He likes to blend diverse influences such as the traditions of Aragon, Spain and surrealism, taking audiences on an emotional rollercoaster ride. His new piece, Firmamento, is geared towards a teenager audience, focusing on “the period when childhood starts to die away and new emotions blossom.” Morau taps into collective memory to question his outlook on the present and ours in the process.
Firmamento promises once again to be a riveting experience. “We strive to create a magical landscape of boundless possibility that will bump against earthly logic, a new realm of imagination,” Morau said. Around him is a longtime creative team including a dramaturge, costume designer, musician and dancers. La Veronal is more than just a company. It’s a state of mind.
Philippe Noisette